Dr Mike Yeadon, former CSO and VP, Allergy and Respiratory Research Head with Pfizer Global R&D and co-Founder of Ziarco Pharma Ltd, talks about his grave concerns about the Coronavirus jabSource: James Delingpole Podcast
Children’s risk of Death increases by 5100% following Covid-19 Vaccination compared to Unvaccinated Children according to official ONS data
https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/04/27/kids-death-risk-increases-5100percent-covid-vaccination/?fbclid=IwAR1kEQbdS2In82-saLgH2pny1wHAjSg_OxZko7R8HJR_y-56sOfrEJHKa5Y If the Covid-19 injections were not causing the untimely deaths of children then we would actually expect to see a mortality rate that is lower among the vaccinated population than the mortality rate among the unvaccinated population, not a mortality rate that is similar, and certainly not a mortality rate 52 times higher. Read
Was it a Failed Response or a Forced Crisis?
This unelected bureaucrat, whose name prior to the crisis was unknown, now possessed an almost unlimited power to direct the citizens every movement but even to dictate what be applied to their face and mouth while doing it and injected into one’s body to be able to buy and sell. Given this type of power,
Informed Consent Has Been Replaced, the Result is Medical Tyranny
by Dr. Jordan Vaughn and Dr. Stewart Tankersley | Apr 20, 2022 | Read moreAlabama WVTM13 Interviews Dr Jordan Vaughn part 2The voice of dissent is an important part of any argument to further truth. There is a reason that a Ph.D. thesis is ‘defended’ as most innovative research is a challenge to the prevailing knowledge about a topic.
Demand Dissent not Censorship
Click here to listen to America Out Loud/Concerned Doctors Podcast The voice of dissent is an important part of any argument to further truth. There is a reason that a PhD thesis is ‘defended’ as most innovating research is a challenge to the prevailing knowledge about a topic. Even more so in the medical sciences,
Reject the Government’s Request to ‘Control Your Freedom’
Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Email | RSS Read moreAlabama WVTM13 Interviews Dr Jordan Vaughn part 2Are we moving forward from this crisis, and did our leaders, physicians, or populace learn anything or implement any true change? One thing is true ⏤ the United States of America, the beacon of freedom and enterprise, continues to rank in the bottom twenty countries
Birmingham, AL–Concerned Doctors has spoken to several candidates and will be meeting with others in the days before the upcoming May 24 Alabama primary election. Their members have invested hundreds of hours researching and have amassed considerable experience treating SARS-CoV-2. While the Concerned Doctors group will not be endorsing candidates, they are very willing to
Your Patient’s Health Should Supplant ‘Public’ Health
The COVID-19 crisis has revealed foundational flaws in our medical system. Starting with the government’s further intrusion into your medical care with the affordable care act in 2010 and stretching across the horror show of the last two years, the doctor-patient relationship that the typical American relies on for care changed without their knowledge or