Oro-Systemic Health Symposium 2022 – Part 3: Graham Lloyd-Jones – The anatomy of COVID-19

Dr. Graham Lloyd-Jones, Consultant Radiologist at Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust and Director of Radiology Masterclass, describes the nature of COVID-19 lung disease from the perspective of medical imaging. He proposes how understanding the lung disease leads to proposing a direct anatomical route of SARS-CoV-2 viral infection from the mouth to the lungs via the blood vessels, the ‘oro-vasculo-pulmonary’ infection route, and how development of COVID-19 lung disease could be mediated by poor oral health, especially periodontitis (gum disease). Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains the concept of an oro-systemic circulation and how this anatomical route may be central to the development of many systemic diseases in the context of poor oral health status. He calls for a new public health campaign. GUM DISEASE KILLS! Other videos in this series include: Salisbury Oro-Systemic Health Symposium 2022 – Part 1: Hazel Taylor – The SMILE Oral Care Pathway. https://youtu.be/BDAO4H8PITU Salisbury Oro-Systemic Health Symposium 2022 – Part 2: Mili Doshi – Why Mouth Care Matters. https://youtu.be/v-jFoNJAylU Salisbury Oro-Systemic Health Symposium 2022 – Part 4: David Thomas – Antiviral effects of commercial mouthwashes against SARS-CoV-2? From hypothesis to testing. https://youtu.be/bf6BBmslpXU Salisbury Oro-Systemic Health Symposium 2022 – Part 5: Iain Chapple – Death by co-morbidity: A role for periodontitis? https://youtu.be/dJl1-7dY3VA

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