Testimony 1
Read moreAlabama WVTM13 Interviews Dr Jordan Vaughn part 2We asked our friends to submit their experiences with vaccines, negative effects on children with masks at school, and other stories. Thank you for your quick response and overwhelming support.
How Louis Gossett Jr Survived Covid 19
Academy Award winning actor Louis Gossett, Jr. tells his personal story of surviving COVID-19 after learning about a remarkably effective re-purposed medicine at flccc.net. Donate to the Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance, Inc To educate medical professionals and the public in safe and effective ways to prevent and treat COVID-19. Your donations will help
Silicon Valley Makes Ivermectin “Right Wing”
Doctor has opposing view on face mask debate in schools
Katie Kirn, RN Testimony
Katie Kirn, RN testimony on Michigan HB 4471 81921force Nurses force to take vaccine or loose employment speak out!
Covid Vaccine Delta Variant Infections Carry Same Load as Unvaccinated
Waning Immunity in Vaccinated
https://gumshoenews.com/2021/08/04/autopsy-waning-immunity-in-vaccinated-pfizer-analyst-and-dr-bryan-ardis-on-remdesivir/ Read moreAlabama WVTM13 Interviews Dr Jordan Vaughn part 2
Washington public school forces unvaccinated student athletes to wear ankle monitors.
https://notthebee.com/article/a-washington-high-school-is-attaching-ankle-monitors-to-student-athletes-that-track-their-proximity-to-others-and-beep-when-they-get-too-close?fbclid=IwAR38miIl-G1X7MDDDZLLf05ynMHblo4IPD4ZVeLq7xLiC8UfSKN6MHIvmuI Read moreAlabama WVTM13 Interviews Dr Jordan Vaughn part 2
Olivia C. at Briarwood Townhall
We are very blessed to have strong community leaders like Olivia Faye Carns, Amie Beth Shaver, Allison Akers Sinclair and Kimberly Hutson.