Susan’s Story – Vaccine Injury Testimony
Eric Clapton’s Testimony
Legendary guitarist Eric Clapton, who has already taken the second jab of Covid-19 vaccine, recently shared his horrifying experience of the side effects. In an exclusive interview, the 76-year-old musician shed light on how taking the vaccine proved to be a bad decision as it completely shook his immune system.
Bryan Dawson’s Testimony
We asked our friends to submit their experiences with vaccines, negative effects on children with masks at school, and other stories. Thank you for your quick response and overwhelming support. Bryan Dawson shares his family’s experience with Ivermectin.
Testimony 1
Read moreAlabama WVTM13 Interviews Dr Jordan Vaughn part 2We asked our friends to submit their experiences with vaccines, negative effects on children with masks at school, and other stories. Thank you for your quick response and overwhelming support.