on November 25, 2021
Covid Truths ~ Lt Col Theresa Long US Army
Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) who is the Brigade Surgeon for the 1st Aviation Brigade in Ft. Rucker, Alabama. She is putting her entire life and career on the line to try to protect the military from the COVID vaccinations. LTC. Theresa Long is an M. D. (University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston Medical School in

on November 25, 2021
Who owns the Vaccine?
news Article
When do we receive our first royalty checks? Sharyl Atkinson was writing about this back in 2020. Read moreAlabama WVTM13 Interviews Dr Jordan Vaughn part 2https://sharylattkisson.com/2020/10/guess-who-pays-damages-if-the-coronavirus-vaccine-hurts-anyone-you-do/