Michael Rectenwald on the Great Reset, Steve Kirsch Brings FAA Data Showing Pilots’ Vax Heart Damage
Chris Bray joins the show to comment on Sam Harris doubling down on his faith in the vaccines. Where is this irrational faith in Big Pharma coming from? Also in the show, Professor Michael Rectenwald breaks the news of his return to Twitter; he also talks about his new book on the Great Reset and how various secretive groups of elites are focusing on population control. Steve Kirsch calls in to talk about how the FAA has quietly admitted that the EKGs of pilots are no longer normal. Why is the FAA covering up the fact that the COVID vaccine has damaged the hearts of our pilots? Why is Biden fighting to bring back mask mandates?

Fauci Lied; Children Died: Secret CDC Report confirms nearly 120k Youngsters ‘Died Suddenly’ in the USA by Oct. 2022 following roll-out of COVID Vaccines
Time and time again throughout 2021, Dr. Anthony Fauci, stood at the podium, the bright lights of the cameras blinding him as he faced the nation. With a steady hand, he held up a vial of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine, promising it would be the key to protecting America and its children from the “deadly” Covid-19 disease supposedly ravaging the country.

Concerned Doctors Zoom Call with Claude Ashley, M.D.
Dr. Claude Ashley with Concerned Doctors discusses a pediatricians view on the current treatments available.