Study finds fenofibrate may downgrade Covid-19 to common cold level
The researchers observed that the virus changes lipid metabolism in human lungs. They believe that halting this process could help prevent the onset of problems that increase the severity of the disease. While SARS-CoV-2 hinders the ability of the body to break down fat, fenofibrate starts this process by binding and activating the DNA site

The BIRD Group
The BIRD Group is a non-profit organization campaigning for the safe medicine ivermectin to be approved to prevent and cure covid-19 around the world. It was founded by Dr. Tess Lawrie after doing a rapid systematic review and meta-analysis of drug efficacy for ivermectin, which is on the WHO list of essential medicines. The BIRD

Monoclonal Antibody Infusion
Monoclonal Antibody Infusion is a therapy granted by the FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) as a treatment for severe COVID-19 symptoms in patients at high risk of hospitalization. Monoclonal Antibody Infusion is available now for patients who meet the following requirements: You have a positive COVID-19 test result You are not already hospitalized You have

Remdesivir may cause liver and kidney injury
I was looking into Remdesivir and found this article from July 13th 2020 (over a year ago) about 2 medical groups from India and their recommendations regarding Covid. Their primary recommendation was to stop using Remdesivir because it damages the kidneys and liver. Also from the article: “The ICMR said that the focus of clinical management